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Rust 语言

1. 生命周期


fn main() {
// Only one reference in input, so the output must be derived from that input
fn foo(&A) -> &B; // sugar for:
fn foo<'a>(&'a A) -> &'a B;

// Many inputs, assume they're all independent
fn foo(&A, &B, &C); // sugar for:
fn foo<'a, 'b, 'c>(&'a A, &'b B, &'c C);

// Methods, assume all output lifetimes are derived from `self`
fn foo(&self, &B, &C) -> &D; // sugar for:
fn foo<'a, 'b, 'c>(&'a self, &'b B, &'c C) -> &'a D;

2. 智能指针


实现了 Deref Trait 和 Drop Trait 的就是智能指针

  1. Deref Trait: 具有指针语义
  2. Drop Trait:拥有内存自动管理的机制

看一眼 Box 的实现

fn main() {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized, A: Allocator> Deref for Box<T, A> {
    type Target = T;

    fn deref(&self) -> &T {


我们实现一个智能指针(只实现了 Deref Trait)

fn main() {
use std::ops::Deref;

pub struct MySmartPointer<T> (T);

impl<T> MySmartPointer<T> {
    pub fn new(t: T) -> Self {

impl<T> Deref for MySmartPointer<T> {
    type Target = T;
    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
// 调用*x 其实就是调用 *x.deref()
let x = 5;
let a = MySmartPointer::new(x);
let b = Box::new(x);
assert_eq!(x, *a.deref());
assert_eq!(x, *a);
assert_eq!(x, *b.deref());
assert_eq!(x, *b);
print!("{}", a.to_string())


  • 遇到*运算符自动接引用

    fn main() {
    assert_eq!(x, *a.deref());
    assert_eq!(x, *a);
  • 遇到 . 运算符接引用调用方法

    fn main() {
    print!("{}", a.to_string())
  • 参数传递自动解引用

    fn main() {
    let s = String::from("aaaa");
    fn take_str(s: &str) {
        print!("{}", s);
    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
    impl ops::Deref for String {
        type Target = str;
        fn deref(&self) -> &str {
            unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(&self.vec) }


自动化管理内存 (drop,作用域外自动释放内存)

2. Atomic 在 rust 中的实践

Crust of Rust: Atomics and Memory Ordering

使用 Atomic 实现简单的 Mutex

use std::{sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering, AtomicUsize}, thread::{self, spawn}, cell::UnsafeCell};

const UNLOCKED: bool = true;
const LOCKED: bool = false;

struct Mutex<T> {
    locked: AtomicBool,
    v: UnsafeCell<T>

unsafe impl<T> Sync for Mutex<T> where T: Send {}

impl<T> Mutex<T> {

    pub fn new(v: T) -> Self {
        Self {
            locked: AtomicBool::new(UNLOCKED),
            v: UnsafeCell::new(v)

    /// 暴露一个可变引用出去
    /// 当线程 A 和线程 B 同时执行时,A,B 可能同时拿到🔓,并同时上锁,这两个线程并没有`看到`对方页拿到了锁
    /// 所以就出先了,线程 A 和 B 同时从寄存器拿到值 1,改为了 2,然后复制到寄存器内,后修改的会覆盖前一次修改
    /// 为了解决上述问题,下面是一些解决方法
    /// 方案 1,使用`compare_exchange`合并加锁上锁过程
    /// while self.locked.compare_exchange(UNLOCKED, LOCKED, Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Relaxed).is_err() {}
    /// #1 compare_exchange 是低效的,如果是多核都在同时争夺锁,8 个核中有一个和先拿到了锁
    /// 那么剩下的 7 个核依然会互相竞争,这个变量的内存就会在多个核中不断拷贝
    /// #2 相比于 mutex,mutex 拿不到锁就会阻塞线程,而 compare_exchange 拿不到就会返回一个 Err
    /// #3 rust 中还提供了 compare_and_exchange_weak,最大的区别是
    ///     compare_and_exchange 只允许在判断 Current v alue 和传入的值不一样时返回 Err
    ///     compare_and_exchange_weak 即使在一样的时候也可能会返回 Err,这种细小的差别能够用于某些场景,让性能更好
    ///     原因是由于在不同平台上的实现不同
    ///         x86: compare_and_swap
    ///         ARM: LDREX STREX
    ///     在 x86 上 weak 与普通的相同,
    ///     在 ARM 上:
    ///         compare_and_exchange: impl using a loop of LDREX and STREX
    ///         compare_and_exchange_weak: LDREX and STREX with no loop, it may be fake
    pub fn with_lock<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut T) -> R) -> R {
        // 拿🔓 上🔓
        // while self.locked.load(Ordering::Relaxed) != UNLOCKED {}
        //, Ordering::Relaxed);

        // 方案 1
        // while self.locked.compare_exchange(UNLOCKED, LOCKED, Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Relaxed).is_err() {}

        // 方案 2 在 arm 下有更好的性能
        while self.locked.compare_exchange_weak(UNLOCKED, LOCKED, Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Relaxed).is_err() {
            // 假如现在 current value 就是 UNLOCKED 状态,已经修改为 LOCKED 状态,那么就已经拿到了所有权
            // 加入现在还没有修改完成,current value 依然是 UNLOCKED 状态,当前线程就会卡住,直到有别的线程成功拿到了所有权
            while self.locked.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == LOCKED {

        // 暴露数据
        let ret = f(unsafe { &mut *self.v.get() });
        // 解🔓, Ordering::Relaxed);

fn main() {
    let l: &'static _ = Box::leak(Box::new(Mutex::new(0)));

    let handles: Vec<_> = (0..1000).map(|_| {
        thread::spawn(move || {
            for _ in 0..1000 {
                l.with_lock(|v| {
                    *v += 1;

    for handle in handles {

    // 这里依然会报错
    assert_eq!(l.with_lock(|v| *v), 1000 * 1000);


Acquire 与 Release

fn main() {
/// 但是即使用了上面的东西也有可能会出问题,虽然在 X86 64 位系统上没有出现问题,这是因为他不支持!,他只支持 Seq 的,不过还是要说明问题
/// 因为下面对变量 v 的修改和上锁释放锁的过程毫不相关,
/// 所以下一行可能被重新排列在加锁之前,或者解锁之后,这两种都是不允许的,但是 cpu 和编译器就可能这样做
/// 对此需要使用 Acquire 和 Release
pub fn with_lock2<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut T) -> R) -> R {
    // 任何之后的读写操作不会被重排到 Acquire 之前
    // 别的线程中的写操作,对于这里的 Acquire 都是可见的
    while self.locked.compare_exchange_weak(UNLOCKED, LOCKED, Ordering::Acquire, Ordering::Relaxed).is_err() {
        while self.locked.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == LOCKED {
    let ret = f(unsafe { &mut *self.v.get() });

    // 任何之前的读写操作不会被重排到 Release 之后
    // 这个线程里的所有写操作对别的线程中的 Acquire 都是可见的, Ordering::Release);

必需用 Seq 的场景

fn main() {
fn seq_test() {
    // fetch_add always succeed

    let x: &'static _ = Box::leak(Box::new(AtomicBool::new(false)));
    let y: &'static _ = Box::leak(Box::new(AtomicBool::new(false)));
    let z: &'static _ = Box::leak(Box::new(AtomicUsize::new(0)));
    let tx = thread::spawn(move || {, Ordering::Release);                  // !!!
    let ty = thread::spawn(move || {, Ordering::Release);
    let t1 = spawn(move || {
        while !x.load(Ordering::Acquire) {}
        if y.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
            z.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Release);
    let t2 = spawn(move || {
        while !y.load(Ordering::Acquire) {}                    // 这行和下面一行可能重排 (或者说不是重排,单纯时可见性的问题,下面的 x 就是看到了 x 是 false)
        if x.load(Ordering::Acquire) {                         // !!!x 为 false,当 x 被修改为 true 后,也不会发生改变
            z.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Release);
    println!("{}", z.load(Ordering::SeqCst));

    // What are the possibles for z?
    // - is 0 possibly ?
    //   经过判断,至少有下面的条件
    //     t1 must run after tx
    //     t2 must run after ty
    //   几种排列组合应该是 1 或 2,没有 0
    //   但是 0 还是可能的,
    //           t2    t1,t2
    //   MO(x)  false  true
    //           t1    t1,t2
    //   MO(y)  false  true
    // - is 1 possibly ?
    //   Yes: tx -> t1 -> ty -> t2
    // - is 2 possibly ?
    //   Yes: tx -> ty -> t1 -> t2


3. 常用 Trait

3.1 Read

Read Trait 的功能是:从数据源拉取 (Pull) 一定数据到指定的缓冲区,返回读取的字节数。

关于阻塞: read 函数不保证 Read 是否会处于阻塞状态,如果一个 read 过程阻塞了而且等待失败,那他就会返回一个 [Err] 标记。

关于返回值: 如果read()返回的是 [OK(n)] , 它的实现就必须保证0 <- n < buf.len()。 如果n == 0,那可能有两种情况:

  1. reader 已经到达了the end of file,而且这个file可能不会在产生新数据。注意,这里只是 likely,比如:在 linux 系统中,read 可能对一个 [TcpStream] 调用了recv系统调用,0 代表这个连接已经被成功关闭,如果是对 [File] , 那就可能意味着确实读取到了文件的末尾,但是如果有更多的数据被追加 (append) 到文件末尾,那么未来的 read 操作依然能够正常返回被追加的数据
  2. 缓冲区 (buffer) 大小确实就是 0

n 只要小于缓冲区的长度一般就不是个错误,即使文件还没有被读取完,这种情况可能会发生在,当前只有一部分数据是可用的,或者是 read 操作被一个信号打断了


  • 因为实现这个 Trait 是安全的,调用者不能用 n < buf.len() 去确保安全,使用 unsafe 是更要小心确保诸如越界问题是否会发生。

  • read 不保证 buf 里的数据是对的,所以不推荐读取缓冲区里的数据,只推荐向缓冲区里写入数据

  • 相应的,调用者不能有任何假设,这个 buf 会被 read 怎么使用,read 函数也可能会从中读取内容。所以我们需要保证在调用 read 前,这个 buf 已经被初始化过了,调用没有被初始化的 buf 是不安全的,可能会导致未定义的行为

*关于错误: 如果遇到了 Error,那就必须保证没有读取过任何字节,如果遇到了ErrorKind::Interrupted,而且不能作别的事时, 读取过程就必须被回滚

下面是一个来自 doc 的例子

use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::fs::File;
fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    let mut f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
    let mut buffer = [0; 10];
    // read up to 10 bytes
    let n = buffer[..])?;
    println!("The bytes: {:?}", &buffer[..n]);

3.2 Write

Write 的基本功能就是向 writer 中写入一段 buf,返回写入的字节数 关于阻塞: write 会尝试向 writer 中写入整个 buf 里的内容,但是写入可能不成功,或者写入时产生了一个错误,调用一次 write 意味着最多一次尝试写入 write 函数同样不保证 Write 是否处于阻塞状态以等待数据被写入,如果一次写入阻塞了,他可能会返回一个 [Err]。

关于返回值: 如果write()返回的是 [OK(n)] , 它的实现就必须保证0 <- n < buf.len()。 如果n == 0,那可能有两种情况:

  1. 被写入的东西已经不会接受新数据了,之后也不一定会
  2. 缓冲区 (buffer) 大小确实就是 0

n 只要小于缓冲区的长度一般就不是个错误,即使文件还没有被读取完,这种情况可能会发生在,当前只有一部分数据是可用的,或者是 read 操作被一个信号打断了

*关于错误: 如果遇到了 Error,那就必须保证没有任何字节被成功写入 返回值小于 buf 的长度不被当成是错误 如果遇到了ErrorKind::Interrupted,而且不能作别的事时,写入过程就必须被回滚

同样是官方的 demo

use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::fs::File;
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let mut buffer = File::create("foo.txt")?;
    // Writes some prefix of the byte string, not necessarily all of it.
    buffer.write(b"some bytes")?;

3.3 Seek & BufReader & BufWriter

[Read] 和 [Write] 是最重要的两个 Trait,除此之外还有两个重要的 Trait[Seek] 和 [BufRead], 这两个都建立在 reader 只上,用来控制 read 的过程。

[Seek] 让你控制下一个字节将要读取的来自哪里

use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::SeekFrom;
use std::fs::File;
fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    let mut f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
    let mut buffer = [0; 10];
    // skip to the last 10 bytes of the file;
    // read up to 10 bytes
    let n = buffer)?;
    println!("The bytes: {:?}", &buffer[..n]);

基于 byte 的接口性能不佳,所以提供了很多基于 buffer 的接口 [BufRead] 就提供了更多 Read 相关的 API

fn main() {
let f = File::open("foo.txt")?;
let mut reader = BufReader::new(f);
let mut buffer = String::new();
// read a line into buffer
reader.read_line(&mut buffer)?;

[BufWriter] 没有提供更多写入的方法,他只是缓冲了每次调用

fn main() {
let f = File::create("foo.txt")?;
    let mut writer = BufWriter::new(f);

    // write a byte to the buffer

} // the buffer is flushed once writer goes out of scope

4. 其他

2. Rc & Arc


The key to our design is the RefCell type. The heart of RefCell is a pair of methods:

fn main() {
fn borrow(&self) -> Ref<'_, T>;
fn borrow_mut(&self) -> RefMut<'_, T>;

Introducing inherited mutability roots to shared types Shared smart pointer types, including Rc and Arc, provide containers that can be cloned and shared between multiple parties. Because the contained values may be multiply-aliased, they can only be borrowed as shared references, not mutable references. Without cells it would be impossible to mutate data inside of shared boxes at all!

It's very common then to put a RefCell inside shared pointer types to reintroduce mutability:

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
fn main() {
    let shared_map: Rc<RefCell<_>> = Rc::new(RefCell::new(HashMap::new()));
    shared_map.borrow_mut().insert("africa", 92388);
    shared_map.borrow_mut().insert("kyoto", 11837);
    shared_map.borrow_mut().insert("piccadilly", 11826);
    shared_map.borrow_mut().insert("marbles", 38);

Note that this example uses Rc and not Arc. RefCells are for single-threaded scenarios. Consider using Mutex if you need shared mutability in a multi-threaded situation


Get T from Rc<T> try to use try_unwrap(), which moves out the contents of an Rc if its refcount is 1 ::: warning unwrap on Result requires that you can debug-print the error case. RefCell only implements Debug if T does. Node doesn't implement Debug. try: Rc::try_unwrap(old_head).ok().unwrap().into_inner().elem :::

4. Cell & RefCell

Shareable mutable containers.

Values of the Cell and RefCell types may be mutated through shared references (i.e. the common &T type), whereas most Rust types can only be mutated through unique (&mut T) references. We say that Cell and RefCell provide 'interior mutability', in contrast with typical Rust types that exhibit 'inherited mutability'.

Cell types come in two flavors: Cell and RefCell. Cell provides get and set methods that change the interior value with a single method call. Cell though is only compatible with types that implement Copy. For other types, one must use the RefCell type, acquiring a write lock before mutating.

RefCell uses Rust's lifetimes to implement 'dynamic borrowing', a process whereby one can claim temporary, exclusive, mutable access to the inner value. Borrows for RefCells are tracked 'at runtime', unlike Rust's native reference types which are entirely tracked statically, at compile time. Because RefCell borrows are dynamic it is possible to attempt to borrow a value that is already mutably borrowed; when this happens it results in thread panic.

5. Ref & RefMut


  1. example1

fn main() {
map(Ref< T>, f: F) -> Ref<U>
// Get Ref<T> from Ref<Node<T>>
// my example
pub fn peek_front(&self) -> Option<Ref<T>> {
    self.head.as_ref().map(|node| {
        Ref::map(node.borrow(), |node| &node.elem)
  1. example2

fn main() {
// Makes a new Ref for a component of the borrowed data.

// The RefCell is already immutably borrowed, so this cannot fail.

// This is an associated function that needs to be used as Ref::map(...). A method would interfere with methods of the same name on the contents of a RefCell used through Deref.

use std::cell::{RefCell, Ref};

let c = RefCell::new((5, 'b'));
let b1: Ref<(u32, char)> = c.borrow();
let b2: Ref<u32> = Ref::map(b1, |t| &t.0);
assert_eq!(*b2, 5)